How do I hire an officer?

To hire a Winslow Twp. Police Officer for a private event or traffic duty at a construction site, please call 609-561-0700 Ext. 1010. 

How do I request traffic enforcement in my neighborhood?

Please contact the Highway Safety Unit at 609-567-0700 Ext. 1148 or Ext. 1196 

How do I obtain fingerprints?

The Winslow Twp Police Department provides fingerprinting services only for Winslow residents. Residents need picture I.D. for proof of residency. This service is provided Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. until 3:30 P.M. Fingerprint cards should be obtained from your employer. Please call 609-567-0700 Ext 1999 prior to coming to Headquarters. The fee is $7.00 and is cash only. Please bring exact amount.

How do I obtain a NJ Pistol Permit Application?

A handgun application form for the Township of Winslow may be obtained at the Front Desk, our website or through the New Jersey State Police website. Applications will only be issued to residents of Winslow Township.
For more information, please visit our firearms page.

How do I obtain a copy of a police report?

Police reports are available at the Records Division, M-F, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., except on legal holidays. If this is inconvenient, please contact the Records Division at 609-567-0700 Ext 1999 to make other arrangements.

How to obtain a self-reporting accident report?

Fill out the self reporting accident form. Mail a copy of the completed form to the address listed on the form. Self-Reporting Accident Form

How do I obtain a solicitor’s permit?

Coming Soon

How do I report a crime or incident?

All complaints and reports of crimes must be made in person at Headquarters or called in. Please call 911 if an emergency exists or 609-561-3300 for general complaints.

How do I make a complaint against an officer?

If you wish to make a complaint alleging misconduct by a Winslow Twp. Police Officer, please click here

How can I formally commend an officer?

If you wish to commend a Winslow Twp. Police Officer, please click here.

How do I pay a traffic ticket/infraction?

Coming Soon

How do I search the Winslow Township town ordinances?

Please visit Code of Ordinances, Winslow Township.

How do I pay a ticket?

To pay your ticket online go to www.njmcdirect.com. To pay in person please visit the court at the below listed address.

Municipal Court Resources

Winslow Township Court Office
125 S. Route 73
Braddock, NJ 08037
Phone 609 567-0700 (option 4)
Fax 609 567-5269
Janice Fitting- Court Administrator
Court Office Hours- 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

The court office processes summons and formal complaints. Arrange court calendar, record court proceeding and assist the judge in court. Collect all fines and bail for outstanding warrants.