Police News

3/2/2022 - Winslow Township Police Department Junior Police Academy 2022 Announcement

Winslow Township Police Department Junior Police Academy


The Winslow Township Police Department will be hosting a week-long Junior Police Academy July 18, 2022 to July 22, 2022.

Applications are available for pick-up at the Police Department or online at www.winslowpolice.com

Deadline for all applications: 4:00 PM on Friday April 15, 2022


The purpose of the Junior Police Academy is to provide young citizens with an Introduction to Law Enforcement. Our goal is to motivate young people to be outstanding citizens and empower them to act as a positive influence in our community. It will also transform the traditional role of the police officer into a mentor and a friend, while encouraging our young citizens to be partners in building safer schools and communities. When you bring police officers and kids together, you get better police officers and better kids.

What to expect at the academy: The Junior Police Academies will cover a multitude of topics to include but not limited to, History of Law Enforcement, Gangs, Motor Vehicle Law, DWI Enforcement, Teens and Drug Use, Crime Scene and Evidentiary Processing, Fire/EMS Services, CPR Training, K-9, and SWAT. We will end each day with an hour of light physical training and military drill.

For additional information and requirements, interested residents can go to the Winslow Township Police Department facebook page, on the web at www.winslowpolice.com, or contact Patrolman Kurt Gunson via email at kgunson@winslowpd.com or at 856-767-1850 x8413.

JR Police Academy Sign Up